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  • Minerals for Foods for Special Medical Purposes

    Trace elements and bulk elements for the fortification of foods for special medical purposes (FSMPs).

    Foods for special medical purposes (FSMPs) are defined in Regulation (EU) No. 609/2013 and help to ensure adequate nutrition of patients whose bodies are unable to fulfil their nutritional needs in the normal manner, i.e. by metabolizing conventional foods, due to certain illnesses, disorders or specific complaints.

    FSMPs differ from foods for weight control ("total diet replacement for weight control") in their calorie content, which is lower for the latter. However, as weight-control nutrition is intended to restrict calorie intake, not the supply of Minerals, products in both these categories are fortified with Mineral Salts.

    The requirements governing FSMPs are especially stringent. We are able to measure and monitor numerous chemical and microbiological parameters, to ensure maximum purity of Mineral Salts used in the fortification of FSMPs. Through the meticulous selection of raw materials, special production processes and thorough analysis, we are able to supply minerals with especially low levels of contamination from heavy metals, organic impurities and microbiological contaminants.

    On request, we can produce Mineral Salts in customized grades for use in FSMPs, and assist our customers in the development of individual solutions.

    We recommend the following Minerals for use in foods for special medical purposes:
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