In the world of food fraud, Mineral Salt adulteration is one act of defrauding buyers, product developers and in the end consumers for economic gain. Mineral Salts used in food and dietary supplements to have genuine health benefits are replaced by unreacted, blended compounds. This leads to uncontrolled impurity profiles, formulation stability problems, misbranded and finally adulterated products or even to problems in regards of bioavailability or digestibility.
Mainly organic Mineral Salts such as Citrates and Bisglycinates are adulterated and in focus to be replaced by using all kinds of substances. Due to globalisation and fragmentation of the flow of goods as well as creative forms of falsification and new methods of analytical proof, Mineral Salt adulteration remains an industry challenge, even as industry and consumer increasingly demand more transparency in sourcing and labelling.
By using cutting-edge analytical methods like the highly reliable IR spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysing methods, we at Dr. PaulLohmann® can guarantee the supply of fully reacted Mineral Salts, making us the ideal partner in mineral nutrition.
The complex “fingerprint” analysis – also including established and modern standard analysis and calculations, such as thermogravimetric analysis, pH analysis, and molar ratio calculation – proves fully reacted Mineral Salts.
As a highly specialized manufacturer with established food and pharmaceutical standards and sophisticated manufacturing processes, we reliably offer you exactly the Mineral Salts you are looking for. Find out more on analysing methods and frequently affected products in our latest roundup on “Fake Mineral Salts – Great find or great fraud”!
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
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