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  • Minerals for Food Biotech

    Mineral Salts for Fermentation Media

    Biotechnology is one of our forward-looking segments, transforming renewable resources into valuable products. Among the various techniques used, fermentation plays a crucial role in the food industry. Biomass fermentation and precision fermentation are biotechnological processes for producing a wide range of foods and food ingredients, including cultured meats, proteins and flavorings.

    In this context, Minerals can fulfill multiple roles, including:

    • Macronutrients such as Magnesium, Calcium, or Ammonium
    • Micronutrients such as Iron, Manganese, or Copper
    • Buffering agents such as Acetates, Formates, and Phosphates.

    We are thrilled to offer high value Salts specifically designed for food biotechnological applications creating an optimal environment for microorganism to grow robustly. Made exclusively in Germany through carefully defined processes, our Mineral Salts meet the highest quality standards and can be tailored to customers specifications.


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